1. Writing stories
2. Storifying your presentation
The Storytelling
This set of classes is designed to teach written, oral, and visual storytelling to members of the organization at all levels. The aim is to provide exercises and tools that can help professionals improve their business presentations through the art of storytelling.
Each class can accommodate a minimum of 10, up to a maximum of
20 participants for best results.
A one-day workshop focused on oral storytelling and enhancing business presentations. This class teaches leaders how to transform their otherwise boring presentations into engaging stories with appropriate visuals. This workshop works better if the participants have undergone the "Writing Stories" class.
The Art of Storytelling
Understanding the Audience
Building your Presentation Deck
Storytelling with Data
Blind Slides Improvisation
A one-day workshop focused on storytelling in the written form. The participants are taught to think in story, and to be concrete, accurate, and efficient with their compositions. This class helps professionals write more compelling anecdotes, more moving speeches, and more dynamic documentation for knowledge sharing.
The Structure and Elements of Story
Accuracy & Concreteness
Rich Descriptions
Character Creation
Writing Flash Fiction
The Storytelling
This set of facilitation services aims to help leaders craft their strategies and build their brand identity through frameworks developed by the Narrative Designers of Overmind.The workshop and planning sessions run for 1-2 days depending on the needs of the organization.
An alternative to your classical strategic planning workshop. This workshop lets you see your organization as a protagonist in a moving plot, trying to overcome dramatic obstacles in order to achieve what Dramatists call the "Ultimate Desire."
Introduction to Story As Strategy
Transforming your Unit into a Protagonist
Visualizing the Ultimate Desire
Plotting your Story
Navigating through plot through SMART Goals.
Similar to the Story As Strategy workshop, this 1-day workshop uses the tools of Character Creation to help members of the organization understand their brand as Character Archetypes. The participants undergo a guided character creation workshop in order for them to match their company as protagonists with their consumers/customers.
The Jungian Archetypes and Brands
Understanding our Archetype
Understanding the Customer's Archetype
Finalizing our Archetype and Branding
4. Branding through story
3. Story as strategy
The Storytelling
This set is designed to help teams, units, and departments communicate and work better together through creative collaboration.
6. Corporate filmmaking
5. Building teams
through filmmaking
This 3-day team building exercise teaches members of a group or an organization how to tell a collective story using the techniques of documentary filmmaking. They are taught how to write, direct, shoot, edit, and plan motion picture stories that reflect the organization's values and cultures.
Motion Picture Language & Writing Stories
Shooting Protocols
Basic Cinematography and Mobile Phone Videography Basic Sound and Score
Basic Editing
This is a customizable training and consultancy program for organizations who want to build their own media communications teams. Their communications units will undergo a basic filmmaking program designed by the Narrative Designers and Filmmakers of Overmind. Throughout the program, Overmind coaches will supervise the motion picture projects of the participants until they are prepared to finish projects on their own. Pricing is based on the specific requirements of the organization.